Pubg Mobile Global Apk Download Apkpure Latest Version
Pubg mobile 1 1 global version is a very powerful mobile version specially prepared for the classic chicken eating games now you can experience the same fun chicken eating experience as the computer a variety of different fun game maps classic chicken eating games the.
Pubg mobile global apk download apkpure latest version. The game is designed with the next generation graphics engine i e. Pubg mobile kr android latest 1 1 0 apk download and install. Vikendi a 6km x 6km snow map is coming.
Download pubg mobile lite apk 0 20 0 for android. Using apkpure app to upgrade pubg mobile lite fast free and save your internet data. Pubg mobile x metro exodus escape now.
After the false alarm that was the recent arrival of the version 0 14 5 to the stable version of pubg mobile we finally have the chance to try out one of the new game modes announced in the latest beta. To buy in app items additional fee is charged. It joins the collaboration with the godzilla movie that s brought us new game modes skins and secrets within the setting.
You can get pubg mobile latest apk and obb file download for android global version 1 1 0 from here beyond a c e. Download pubg mobile apk 1 2 0 for android. After enjoying the new turn based deathmatch mode in the beta game the 0 13 0 pubg mobile upgrade is finally available in the stable channel of the android version.
Metro royale update. Pubg mobile version 0 15 0 is now available with payload mode. The size of the apk file is 613 mb and users should have enough space available in the phone before downloading it.
Download pubg mobile kr apk 1 1 0 for android. 1 download the apk file of the pubg mobile 1 2 update from the link. There will be energy towers where players can cash supplies when they meet certain combat conditions.